Dolby® CineAsset Player is a software-based media player used to review digital cinema packages (DCPs) without the need for a digital cinema server. In addition to playing back any DCP, Dolby CineAsset Player can also play back many popular multimedia file types. The Pro version of Dolby CineAsset Player allows for the playback of encrypted, 3D, and 4K DCPs, as well as subtitle rendering. Windows 10 Compatibility If you upgrade from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, some features of the installed drivers and software may not work correctly.
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Mandatory Product Update!
Dcp Player Windows
Users who have purchased software licenses for QuVIS Wraptor and Player on MacOS and Windows will need to update to the latest versions of these products in the near future. This does not apply to monthly rental licenses or Linux based products. This update is mandated by Digital River’s recent decision to end eSellerate product activation service. For those interested in more details on the Digital River decision, see below. QuVIS will endeavor to contact all customers, but in case contact information may be out of date, please send a message to Support@QuVIS.Com, ideally including product order numbers. All Wraptor customers will be upgraded to the current Wraptor 4 version. All Player customers will be upgraded to the current DCP Player version.
Details on the Digital River decision:
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Digital River, the owner of eSellerate, has decided to fold the eSellerate e-commerce service into MyCommerce, another similar e-commerce service provider Digital River owns. QuVIS has used eSellerate as an activation service provider for all but their Linux based products since 2008. Digital River originally stated they would maintain eSellerate product activation indefinitely, but they have recently announced that they will be shutting down activation service sometime in the near future. As a result of this recent disclosure, QuVIS has implemented their own custom activation service to avoid such issues in the future.